Self Portrait, from Photo by Rick Stone (2001) Pen and Ink

For the past forty plus years I have enjoyed viewing the artistic creations of others and expressing myself with art. I am self taught and enjoy working with a variety of mediums such as Oils, Acrylics, Watercolor, Conte, Pen and Ink, Pencil and of late, Digital Art. My favorite mediums the Pen and Ink, Pencil and Digital Art.

For me, both Pen and Ink and Pencil are especially rich with expression. The rich blacks and subtle shades they produce can delight the eye and invite the imagination to fill in the colors, backgrounds, and life they sprang from. Watercolors invite one to feel the light and expression of the moment while Oils, Acrylics and Conte express on board or canvas the rich texture and colors of the artists vision. During the past few years I have developed a real love for digital art and have found it to be a medium that with diligence and the same careful attention to detail and expression as required by the other art mediums, allows the artist to uniquely express his or her vision in new and fascinating ways.

During the last forty years I have had the pleasure and privilege of producing art and commercial graphics for a variety of corporations and individuals around the world while working in my various capacities as a freelance artist, an owner of a print shop and book publishing company and an art director.

On these pages are a few of my works of art I have enjoyed producing.
I am available for commissioned and contract art projects. Some of the works of art shown on these pages are available as prints.
I hope you will find these a pleasure to view and own and enjoy sharing them with others.

Please Click Here to E-mail me with any questions of comments.

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